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Normal Card Short Card Long Card
About DK64 Shorter Bingo
This is a bingo board for Donkey Kong 64 (Shorter).
About Video Game Bingo
To win a "Bingo" race, you must complete 5 of the tasks in a row horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.
The seed number is used to generate the board. Changing the seed will make a new board.
You can click on the squares to turn them green and red. This may help you organize your route planning.
DK64 Shorter Bingo by Ringrush.
SRT Bingo v1 by Nmaster64 based on SRL Bingo v5 by NarcissaWright.
TL-BR | COL1 | COL2 | COL3 | COL4 | COL5 |
ROW1 | |||||
ROW2 | |||||
ROW3 | |||||
ROW4 | |||||
ROW5 | |||||